
My parenting style : outdoor and nature

Lazy Layen parenting style. Give them space, give them nature (sepaling boleh yang boleh diberi). Less stress for them, and for me. For me, you can compare parenting with plant growing. If you put them outside in wide space and nature, they will thrive on their own. But if you put it in a container, you've just cut off its way to thrive, now you have to provide for it. You have to fertilise it, water it, move to where the sun is.

Jaga anak di space besar macam playground, mudah. Tak payah beli expensive toys, derang boleh main. Tapi kalau dok dalam rumah, nak kena sedia macam2 nak entertain derang.

Masa kami dok apartment (tingkat 5 takde lif), ada gak usaha turun ke playground supaya sang Asyraf ada space dia. Later menjadi deciding factor nak membeli rumah atas tanah, sebab fikir anak2 akan perlu space. (Kami lebur duit booking kondo sebelum decide semula nak rumah bawah)

Skrg Alhamdulillah seluas2 alam bleh pi main. Sila sila. Dalam pic : Altaf dok gali tanah. Sejak pagi. Ni baru sudah habis lunch terus keluar. Katanya nak tanam seeds apa ntah.

Of course, this only applies to me lah. I'm lazy gitu. Nak layan anak main masak2 or pondok2, tak berapa rajin. Apa kata korang gi bina pondok betul, dan masak betul. Bleh mak tumpang makan.

#ANschool #parenting #lazylayen

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